Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку (7 класс). Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку Административная по английскому

Test for the 6 th form.

I. Прочти микротексты и подбери к ним заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.

  1. My family is not large. I have got a mother, a father and a sister. My mother"s name is Svetlana. She is 42. She is a doctor. My father"s name is Boris. He is 45. He is a scientist. My sister"s name is Kate. She is 20. She is a student.
  2. My home town is a new town not far from Moscow. It was named in honour of the Prince Obolensky who lived there many years ago. My town is small. It"s population is 5000 people.
  3. My grandparents live in Sochi. It is near the sea. We like to go there in summer. My grandparents have a big house with a garden. Many fruit trees grow in it: plum trees, apple trees. pear trees and orange trees. We like to help my grandparents in the garden.
  4. If I have free time I can walk, read books or watch TV. I like to read different books: historical, detective and tales.
  5. My favourite foreign writer is M. Twain. He was born in 1835. He died in 1910. I read many books by this writer: «The adventures of Tom Sawyer», «The adventures of Huckleberry Finn».

a. My Home Town.

B . My Free Time.

C. My Favourite Writer.

D. My Family.

e. My Grandparents" House.

F. My Best Friend.

G. My School Day.

II. Прочти шесть текстов и найди соответствия между содержанием текстов и утверждениями. Одно утверждение лишнее.

  1. My name is Sasha. I am ten. I have got a family. My family is not large. I"ve got a mother, a father and a sister.
  2. My friend"s hobby is painting. Her favourite sport is badminton. She wants to become an artist. We are good friends.
  3. If I go to the country to see my grandparents, I can see many animals there: cows, horses, pigs, hens and ducks. My grandma asks me to take care of the chickens. The chickens are very nice. They grow up very quickly.
  4. After school I have dinner, then go shopping, watch TV. I like to help my mother about the house. Then I do my homework. In the evening I have my supper and then I go for a walk with my friends.
  5. My mother goes to work at 8 o"clock and comes back at 7 pm. She works in a bank.
  6. This book teachers us to be kind and friendly, brave and honest, helps to be true friends. I enjoyed this book. It is the best present for children.

A. He likes to take care of the chickens.

B. She likes cooking very much.

C. His mother goes to work at eight am.

D. Sasha"s family is small.

E. She can paint well.

F. A book is a best present for children.

G. After school Mike helps his mother and does his homework.

III. Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ.

Summer Holidays.

There are three month in summer: June, July and August.

June opens summer. Days are long, nights are short in June. There are many flowers in June and children like to pick them up in the forest. The first berries appear in the forests and gardens. Baby birds learn to fly. Children"s holidays begin in June.

July is the second summer month. July gives different berries and vegetables. It"s very hot in July. Children go to swim in the river. They spend a lot of time with their friends. They play tennis, badminton and football. Some children go to summer camps.

August is the end of the summer. At the beginning of this month the weather is warm and hot but at the end it is cool. Birds prepare to fly to the South. August brings a lot of fruits, berries and mushrooms. Children like to go to the forest to pick up mushrooms and berries.

I like my summer holidays.

1. What months are there in summer?

a) There are three months in summer: June, July and August.

b) There are three months in summer: September, October, November.

c) There are three months in summer: March, April, May.

2. What is the second summer month?

a) June is the second summer month.

b) July is the second summer month.

c) August is the second summer month.

3. What do children do in July?

a) Children play basketball.

b) Children like to go to the forest.

c) Children go to swim in the river.

4. What does August bring to us?

a) August brings a lot of flowers and berries.

b) August brings a lot of fruits, berries and mushrooms.

c) August brings a lot of mushrooms.

5. What are the days and nights in June?

a) Days are short, nights are long.

b) Days are long, nights are short.

c) Days become longer, nights are long, too.

6. What do birds prepare to do in August?

a) Birds prepare to pick up mushrooms and berries.

b) Birds prepare to swim in the river.

c) Birds prepare to fly to the South.

IV. Прочитай текст и выбери правильную форму глагола.

My name (1) ... Nick. I am nine. I (2) ... to school. I (3) ... now. I usually (4) ... in the evening. My mother (5) ... dinner at this moment. My sister always (6) ... her.

  1. a) am b) is c) are
  2. a) am going b) go c) goes
  3. a) watches TV b) watch TV c) am watching TV
  4. a) walk b) walking c) walks
  5. a) cooks b) is cooking c) cook
  6. a) is helping b) help c) helps

V. Прочитай предложение и выбери правильное слово.

  1. Mr. Black is a man ... a black sweater.

a) in b) at c) on

  1. My friends are ... and I like them.

a) cheerful b) cheered c) cheering

  1. The carpet is ... the floor.

a) at b) in c) on

  1. She ... vitamins in spring and autumn.

a) take b) takes c) taking

  1. Our family has ... books in our library.

a) much b) most c) many

  1. October is a ... month.

a) summer b) autumn c) winter

Variant 1.

I. Make up the words.

  1. u, i, i, n, m, s, c, a =
  2. n, e, t, r, i, v, n, o =
  3. n, i, e, r, e, g, n, e =
  4. i, r, r, a, l, b, a, i, n =
  5. o, r, a, i, t, j, u, n, l, s =
  1. a construction a). officer
  2. a police b). designer
  3. a post c). operator
  4. a car d). worker
  5. a computer e). man
  1. Who worked in a school?

a) Linda"s mum b) A teacher

  1. What is he?

a) My dad b) A mechanic

  1. Who works on Sundays?
  1. What was he?
  1. Who is going to work in a supermarket?

a) My mum b) A sales person

a) will be, stay b) is, will stay c) - , will stay

  1. If her parents ... , Jane ... her friends to the cafe.

a) agree, will invite b) will agree, invite c) - , will invite

  1. If it ... very hot, they ... to the beach.

a) will be, go b) - , will go c) is, will go

  1. If there ... fog, Jane ... her friends to the cafe.

a) is, will take b) - , will take c) will be, take


  1. The text is about postmen.
  2. It"s a highly paid job.
  3. A postman gets up early.
  4. A postman drives a lot.
  5. The work of a postman is easy.

VI. How well do you know British and American culture.

  1. Roald Dahl grew up in...

a) Norway b) Britain c) France

  1. Roald Dahl was ...

a) a writer b) a ship broker c) an actor

  1. Helen Keller ...

a) wrote books b) played in films c) helped the blind

27 scores

Final test for the 6 th form.

Variant 2.

I. Make up the words.

  1. i, h, r, a, f, s, e, m, n =
  2. u, r, e, n, r =
  3. u, g, o, s, r, e, n =
  4. c, e, t, s, s, i, n, i, t =
  5. e, e, r, l, g, s, m, t, o, o, o, i, t =

II. Match the words in the left and in the right columns.

  1. a relief a) wife
  2. a house b) officer
  3. a post c) worker
  4. a computer d) designer
  5. a clothes e) man

III. Choose the right answer.

  1. What was she?

a) Linda"s mum b) A teacher

  1. Who is working in a garage?

a) My dad b) A mechanic

  1. What is he?

a) Paul"s dad b) A bus-driver

  1. Who has worked at a police station?

a) My granddad b) A police-officer

  1. What is she?

a) My mum b) A sales person

IV. Put the right answer in the text.

  1. If there ... rain, they ... at home.
  1. a) - , will stay b) is, will stay c) will be, stay

2. If her parents ... , Jane ... her friends to the cafe.

  1. a) - , will invite b) will agree, invite c) agree, will invite

3. If it ... very hot, they ... to the beach.

  1. a) is, will go b) - , will go c) will be, go

4. If there ... fog, Jane ... her friends to the cafe.

  1. a) will be, take b) - , will take c) is, will take

V. Read the story and answer: TRUE or FALSE


There are different professions and jobs. All jobs are quite difficult. But some of them are highly paid and some are low paid. A postman is a hard, but low paid job. A postman has to get up early in the morning. Snow or rain, he must deliver newspapers and letters. Postmen usually have to walk a lot. They also carry a heavy bag with the post. Good postmen know people from their neighbourhood. This job is very important. They earn money by working much.

Variant 1

1. Put the verbs in the Past Continuous.

1. Around me people (to talk) Russian, Italian and English.

2. Arnold (to talk) to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. You (to play) chess at six o"clock?

4. All night long the stars (to glitter).

2 Put the verbs in the Past Simple

1. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven.

2. I (to work) at school 3 years ago

3. We (to study) at university in 1998.

4. My mother (not to like) milk in her childhood.

3.Fill in the appropriate words: weather, misty, rainstorm, cold.

    I looked through the window and saw that it was a grey … morning.

    There was an awful … yesterday. It rained hard and a strong wind was blowing.

    The weather forecast says there will be … weather.

    Weathermen collect information about ...

1.I (to play) computer games yesterday.

2.I (to play) computer games at five o"clock yesterday.

3.He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday.

5. Put the words in right order and translate the sentences:

    music, I, a long, for, have not, time, listened, to.

    Galileo, telescope, the first, made, it, and, looked through.


disastrous hurricane in 1992.


Thank goodness that our weather isn"t so ….

2. SUN

When we got to Spain, it was very hot and ….


Neil Armstrong was the first … on the Moon.


We have already discussed the most important … problems on our planet.


1. I … him before we met at the concert.

a) didn"t see b) wasn"t seeing c) hadn"t seen

2. When mother came home, the children … the soup.

a) ate b) were eating c) had eaten

3. The telegram … some minutes after he had left.

8. Reading

While he was a teenager, he married a woman some years older than himself. He had three children: the eldest is the daughter and then twins – a son and another girl. In 1587 William went to work in London leaving his family at home. Some people say that the reason was his love of poetry and theatre.

A. Complete the sentences according to the text

a) on April 22 b) on April 23 c) on August 23

a) a glove - maker b) a clock - maker c) a shoe - maker

3. At school William learned to love…

a) dancing b) reading c) singing

a) New York b) Cardiff c) London


1. were talking, was talking, were plying, were glittering

2. washed, worked, studied, didn’t like

3. misty, rainstorm, cold, weather

4. played, was playing, was playing

5. I have not listened to music for a long time.

Galileo made the first telescope and looked through it.

6. Changeable, sunny, exploration, scientific.

7. 1.c, 2.b, 3a.

8. 1. b, 2.a, 3. b, 4. c.

Variant 2.

1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple

1. Our children (to play) football last year

2. You (to work) at the hospital last week?

3. We (not to rest) yesterday

4. My friend (to live) in America 2 years ago.

2. Put the verbs in the Past Continuous.

1.He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up.

2.The family (to prepare) for the party.

3.A few minutes later Edward (to hurry) through the streets to his bus stop.

4.She (not help) mother about the house from two till seven.

3. Fill in the appropriate words: climate, mild ,changeable

1. The weather in April is always … : it may be rainy in the morning and warm and sunny in the afternoon.

2. What do you know about the … of Moscow and other parts of Russia ?

3. Why do you think most people prefer to live in places with … climate ?

4. Put the verbs Past Simple or Past Continuous

1.We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday.

2.What Nick (to do) when you came to his place?

3.We (to go) to London two years ago.

5. Put the words in right order .

1.were, something, They, interesting, looking at, more.

2.careful, should be, Spacemen, with, very, their, spacesuit.

6. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.


More than 200 people were killed during the disastrous hurricane in 1992.


A very violent wind is … of a tornado.


It’s a… day, isn’t it?


disasters, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, can damage houses and hurt people.


The young … has received a small grant to continue his exploration.

7. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. The telegram … some minutes after he had left.

a) came b) was coming c) had come

2. While we … the road I saw Victor.

a) crossed b) were crossing c) had crossed

3. When … your sister … to London?

a) did … go b) was … going c) had gone

8 . Reading

A Sad Story

Three men came to New York for their holidays. Their names were Tom, Pete and Andy. They came to a hotel and asked for a room. The friends got a room on the forty - fifth floor.

They went sightseeing, visited the picture gallery and looked into some shops. In the evening they came back to the hotel from the cinema.

The servant in the hotel told them: “ I’m sorry, gentlemen, the lift doesn’t work. If you don’t want to go up to your room, you can sleep here, in the hall. I’ll bring you the bed linen. ”

No, no”, said the men, “ we shan’t sleep in the hall. We shall go up to our room. ” Then Tom said to his friends:” It’s not easy to go up to the forty - fifth floor. I know what we shall do. I shall tell you a lot of jokes. Andy will sing us songs and Pete will tell us an interesting story”.

The three friends went up to their room. They listened to Tom’s jokes, then Andy sang songs. When they came to the thirty - fifth floor, Tom said to Pete: “ Now we shall listen to your long and interesting story. ”

Yes”, answered Pete, “but my story is short and very sad. I have no key with me. It is on the table in the hall. ”

Write down if the sentences are true to the text or false

1. Three men came to a restaurant.

2. Three men visited a picture gallery.

3. They came back from the cinema in the afternoon.

4. Pete will sing songs.


1. played, did you work, didn’t rest, lived.

2. was waiting, was preparing, was hurrying, was not helping.

3. changeable, climate, mild

4. was playing, was doing went.

5. They were looking at more something interesting.

Spacemen should be very careful with their spacesuit.

6. Typical, lovely, natural, researcher.

7. 1-a, 2-b, 3-a.

8. 1-f, 2-t, 3-f, 4-f.

Пояснительная записка к административной контрольной работе по английскому языку

для 7 класса

Данная контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 7 класса. Задания контрольной работы включают текст для чтения и задания к нему, лексический и грамматический материал, изученный учащимися в первом полугодии 2014-2015 учебного года, а также материал предыдущих лет обучения. Время выполнения – 45 минут.

Целью контрольной работы является оценка состояния образованности учащихся 7 класса по английскому языку в соответствии с требованиями ГОС.


    установить уровень сформированности навыков работы с текстом (поисковое чтение);

    установить уровень сформированности лексических и грамматических навыков учащихся;

    установить уровень владения навыками написания письма зарубежному другу;

    установить уровень владения страноведческой информацией;

    определить степень владения учащимися рациональными приёмами работы с разными видами заданий.

Работа включает в себя следующие задания:

    Чтение: задание на поиск заданной информации в тексте.

    Грамматика и лексика: задания на множественный выбор.

    Практика языка: подстановка подходящих по смыслу слов в текст.

    Письмо: заполнение пропусков в тексте открытки и оформление адреса.



Работа учащихся оценивается в баллах, с последующим переводом в пятибалльную систему.

1 задание. Количество баллов зависит от количества правильных ответов. Максимальное количество баллов – 7.

2 задание. Количество баллов зависит от количества правильных ответов. Максимальное количество баллов – 10.

3 задание. Количество баллов зависит от количества правильно вставленных в пропуски слов. Максимальное количество баллов – 10.

4 задание. Количество баллов зависит от количества логически правильно подобранных слов и оформления адреса. По 1 баллу за каждое верно подобранное слово в тексте письма + 5 баллов за правильное оформление адреса. Максимальное количество баллов – 12.

5 задание. Количество баллов зависит от количества правильных ответов. Максимальное количество баллов – 5.

Общее количество баллов – 44.

Проверка заданий осуществляется педагогом, выставляется количество баллов за каждое задание и итоговая оценка за работу.

42– 44 балла – оценка «5»

33 – 41 балл – оценка «4»

24 – 32 балла – оценка «3»

Менее 24 баллов – оценка «2»

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 7 класса


    Прочитайте текст .

Hard work and no money

Every year thousands of young people in Britain finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to University. Some young people go to another countries and work as volunteers ( волонтеры ) . Volunteers give their time to help people – for example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with conservation.

Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she wants to go to University to study Spanish, but now she is living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to protect the coral reefs ( коралловые рифы ) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is much polluted, the coral dies. I’m helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it’s too late.

I’m staying with a family here and I help with the cooking and the cleaning. I don’t get any money, but that’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize – and myself! When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America”.

b ) Отметьте верные ( Т - true ) или неверные утверждения ( F - false ).

1) Pauline comes from Belize. 

2) Pauline wants to save the coral reefs. 

    Young people in Britain go to University just after they finish school. 

    Pauline is studying the fish in the sea near Belize. 

    Pauline is unhappy because she doesn’t get any money. 

    Pauline wants to go home when she finishes her work. 

    Pauline thinks people need to help the coral reefs. 

    Vocabulary and grammar.

Complete the sentences.

    You at school last week?

    Was b) Were c) Are

    It .... a small car, but it .... four doors.

    is, is b) has, is c) is, has

    Give the book to .... .

    her b) she c) hers

    Flying is ..... than driving.

    the quicker b) quicker c) the quickest

    You’re having a test next week, .....?

    don’t you? b) are you? c) aren’t you?

    The ..... of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

    p rotect b) protection c) protective

    She lives in …. Rome with her family.

    B) the c) a

    Her hair …. lovely!

    are b) is c) it’s

    They … tennis every week.
    a) plays b) play c) playing

10) Who.....to take part in our concert ?

a) does want b) do want c) want d) wants

III . Use of English .

Заполните пропуски, используя слова из рамочки. Одно слово - лишнее .

In a Language School.

water subjects exciting four problems love

making teacher boring summer learning

Fourteen-year-old Andy, who is from Korea, lives in France. He is (1) _________ French and is also studying English. What’s it like for him? “I (2) __________ living here,” says Andy, “and I’m beginning to feel like I’ve lived here my whole life and not for only (3) _______ years. I’m not usually very good at (4) ________ friends, but everyone here is so nice that I’m not having any (5) _________. If I don’t understand an exercise at school, I ask the (6) _________ or one of my friends to help me with it, and they always do. I enjoy most of the (7) _________ we do at school, but I’m not very fond of history. It’s a bit (8) ________! Another thing I like about living here is that I’m able to do lots of (9) _________ sports, like swimming and water-skiing. I’m really looking forward to my (10) _______ holidays this year because I want to learn windsurfing!”


Вы находитесь в Эдинбурге в Шотландии. Напишите открытку своему другу.

Dear ______________,

I’m in __________________ and I like it very much.

It’s a _________________ city. There are a lot of _____________ around us because it’s summer.

The food is good and there are a lot of ________________ and cafes. The people are ______________ and I’ve got a lot of new friends, not only from England.

See you soon.













    Cultural awareness.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. ... is the central square in London.

a) Trafalgar Square b) Hyde Park c) Queen’s Gallery

2. London is situated on the river …

a) Clyde b) Thames c) Severn

3. The Royal family lives in …

a) Tower of London

b) 10, Downing Street

c) Buckingham Palace

4. Bill Gates is a founder of …

a) Microsoft Corporation

b) the largest automobile corporation

c) the Metropolitan Museum

5. Stadford-on-Avon is the birthplace of Great English poet and writer …

a) R.Burns

c) Ch.Dickens


I. 1-F






7-T (7 б .)

II. 1-b

2- c








10-d (10 б .)

    1- learning

2- love

3- four

4- making

5- problems

6- teacher

7- subjects

8- boring

9- water

10- summer (10 б.)

    По 1 баллу за каждое верно подобранное слово в тексте письма + 5 баллов за правильное оформление адреса. (12 б.)

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